Instructor: Craig Sargent, Office:
115-116, MDR#3.
Contact Information:
Textbook: Readings
will be mostly from the following textbook..,
P. Croft, Richard James & Jens Krause 2008. Exploring Animal Social
Networks. 192pp. Princeton University Press. selected research papers from the
primary literature.
Author Websites: Darren
Croft, Richard James, Jens
World Wide Web: 770/770SocNet.html
Course Description: This seminar will
focus on using social network theory to analyze animal social networks, from a
"how to" point of view. In particular, this textbook and seminar
emphasizes social networks where animals' individual identities are known, and
where we have information on pairwise interactions among individuals. Emphasis
is placed on what valuable new insights social network theory gives us above and
beyond simply studying individual behavior or two-way interactions. We will
explore actual datasets with analytical and graphical software (see
Class Meetings: Class time will consist of a
combination of discussion of the readings from the book and the primary literature, along
with some hands on experience at the computer with real data.
Tentative Schedule:
Topic |
Reading |
Introduction |
Chapter 1 |
Data Collection |
Chapter 2 |
Visual Exploration |
Chapter 3 |
Node-Based Measures |
Chapter 4 |
Statistical Tests of Node
Based Measures |
Chapter 5 |
Searching for
Substructures |
Chapter 6 |
Comparing Networks |
Chapter 7 |
Future Directions |
Chapter 8 |
Case Studies |
Primary Literature |
A comprehensive software package for the analysis of social networks (Borgatti,
S.P., Everett, M.G. and Freeman, L.C. 2002). A trial version can be
downloaded here,
which includes NetDraw (see below). Steve Borgatti has generously given us a
license code to register these copies, and this registration code can be
obtained from your instructor.
- NetDraw:
A free program for visualizing social network data in 2D space.
- SocProg:
A series of MATLAB programs by Hal Whitehead for analyzing social
structure, population structure and movement patterns of identified
individuals. Runs under MATLAB, and there is a stand alone version available
as well.
- PopTools:
PopTools is a free add-in for Microsoft Excel for studying matrix
population models, simulation of stochastic processes, and calculation of
Monte Carlo and bootstrap statistics.
Other Resources: